
Who is Aerion Winter?

Well, Aerion is a mysterious man by all accounts. He mere existence is debatable. For only one man can see him, or hear him.

Aerion is a student, of the strange, the illogical, and the unknown. His subject, is the mind, the mind of his other self, the man who shall remain nameless for the situation of his study.

The name “Aerion”, hails from myth; from the legendary Aeron, a magician who, driven by his ambition to master the light, ended up mastering the dark as well. A tragic and grim tale without an ending neither good more bad.

The name “Winter”, with naught to do with Aerion’s heritage hails from the seasons. A time of cold, desolation and death, winter is the season of fear, and misery. Yet, it is also the season of great celebration: of christmas, the new year and the coming spring; new life. An ambiguous and contradicting season and a fitting name.

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